So uhmm yeah >.> My sister uhm just left to get her flu shot. I'm watching Nightmare on Elms street. I wanna watch the new one. OH BOY. You should soooo watch paranormal activity 2. If you do, you have to have your volume up LOUD i norder to get the scare. Heeheee ^.^ I went to watch it tmidnight thursday the night it came into theaters -with my friend Diane and her brother who is pretty cute actually ^.^ Me and Diane were urled up together the whole time because the movie was very jumpy. ESPECIALLY THAT ONE PART...ohh I'm not gonna tell you (: Well anyway I'm eating cereal and watching nightmare on elm street. So uhm..yes I have to go! PEACE SUCKAS.I'm jk. ABout the suckers part but I really am leaving.
Cereal Eatin, Movie watchin, BLAIR.
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