
Oh My Gosh 4 Followers?!

Okay so yes I know 2 of the followers are Yalonda and I so YAY WE HAVE 2 MORE FOLLOWERS!! Thank you so much Kate and Lia!! Also, thank you for contacting us! You guys are awesome! I hope we don't disappoint you along the way haha just had to say that and just thank you!! Um, I am not with Yalonda right now but she'll probably post some blogs too after I text her. So thank you and we love you!! Even you haters! We love you too(:



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry I had to remove that comment. It was incorrect!


You know why we love when you comment? Because it let's us know we aren't wasting time for no reason. Yep soo even if it's a hate comment, we love you(: